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  • 兄弟檔劉巴卡與高休帶著各自的兒子一起搶了一間郵局,劉巴卡帶著贓款潛逃卻遇害,剩下的三人急著將贓款追回。劉巴卡的兒子巴比試著找出殺父兇手,卻因而發現了可怕的家族秘密Snow is a film for the choice, betrayal and forgiveness between brothers and sons, narrated on the background of the h…
  • North Korea is one of the most socially and politically isolated countries in the world. This collection of documentaries from around the world takes an in-depth look at the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and its totalitarian leadership. Powerful, compelling and insightful viewing.Features the documentaries: Nuc…
  • Excellent play, 20 October 2004Author: rharbov from Ruse, BulgariaThis is an amazing comedy, based on a famous Bulgarian novel. Baj Ganyu is the name of a doltish and arrogant peddler that travels across late 19th century Europe. He falls into different comic situations as the civilized world is in total contrast with …
  • Dans une ville qui ne possède que 13 ambulances pour deux millions d'habitants, Krassi, Mila et Plamen sont nos héros improbables : gros fumeurs, bourrés d’humour et sans cesse en train de sauver la vie à autrui, malgré le grand nombre d’…
  • ☆ 2014年多倫多國際電影節正式入選——當代世界電影單元☆ 2014年聖塞巴斯提安國際電影節最佳新導演1985年初秋,國民軍調查一樁發生在巴爾幹深山農舍的駭人意外事件。《玫瑰村事件簿》由目擊者口述及農舍留下的線索改編。年輕的新婚夫妻瓦希爾和娜迪亞來到玫瑰村度假,受到農舍管理員喬治和喬治好友朵拉的歡迎,之後喬治的朋友史蒂夫寇特也加入…
  • The action takes place during the socialist period in Bulgaria. The central character, nicknamed the Cock is an artistic personality, a man of strong character known as the king of the pickpockets. His keen sense of personal freedom comes up against the universally accepted norms of behavior. The Cock likes a game, adv…
  • 旅居以色列多年的柯汉教授回到儿时的故乡——保加利亚的小城普罗夫迪夫。在这里,多年未见的故人和儿时的恋人,拉开了他回忆的闸门。本片通过柯汉教授的个人经历,触及了保加利亚社会主义时期的诸多弊端:农业合作社的失败、政治斗争的激化和宗教民族矛盾。此片将会令中国观众忆起文革之殇,有种伤感的亲切。而经历了苏联解体的保加利亚,正处在…