搜索 Plante

  • 剧情片生活
  •   A producer decides to reopen a theater, that had been closed five years previously when one of the actors was murdered during a performance, by staging a production of the same play with the remaining members of the original cast.
  •   一群科學家要對「惡魔之巔」的火山活動進行研究,根據活動數據「惡魔之巔」近期將會爆發,小鎮正在研擬疏散計畫,但老班堅決不撤離。好不容易明蒂十多歲的女兒妮可說服老班,一家人開著車趕緊下山,此時火山爆發了!從火山噴射出來的不只是岩漿跟火球,還有當年吃人的居民,他們渴望肉體獲得重生!
  •   在精灵旅社125周年庆典派对上,一场意外使德古拉带领的精灵家族首次变身成人,而约翰尼则成了怪兽。为了寻找治疗方法,这对冤家翁婿前往危机重重的南美雨林开启了一场欢乐又刺激的冒险之旅,遭遇了种种令人捧腹的窘况。得知消息的梅菲斯带领精灵家族前去营救爱人和老爸,他们最终能否将一切恢复正常?
  •   根德迪·塔塔科夫斯基的以一个穴居人和一只濒临灭绝的恐龙为特色。被悲剧所束缚,这种不可能的友谊成为生存的唯一希望。
  • 《野蛮纪源》呈现了进化初期的一个穴居人与濒临灭绝的恐龙,在悲剧的捆绑下,这段不可能的友谊成了在暴力的原始世界中生存的唯一希望。
  • A behavioral research team observes and attempts to replicate the experiences of the first manned mission to Mars.
  • อดีตที่ฝังแน่น แค้นไม่ลืมเลือน ตามจองล้าง 3 ชั่วโคตร...เจ้าพระยาผู้ละโมบต้องการที่ดินข้างเคียงของครอบครัวหนึ่งที่มีพ่อ แม่ และลูกในท้องอีก 1 คน จึงสั่งให้ลูกน้องทำทุกว…
  • Theo spends his 18th birthday alone, getting drunk at a brutal punk rock show. There, he meets Mag, a marginal teenager who invites him to spend the night at her place. A love story unfolds between them, but Theo has to move at the end of the summer in a small town, far away from a painful past
  • As any pretty plant, Daphne buds, opens, fills with fragrance and loses leaves. But is never allowed pick. Combining animation and continuous shooting, Daphne or the lovely specimen is a documentary painting the portrait of an unchaste and sensitive woman who speaks to us first about her body then about her heart. With…