搜索 Svarcas

  • After fleeing Europe for Uruguay during WWII, Jacob Kaplan built a quiet life. Now 76, he begins to question his worth. After learning of a mysterious German prowling the shores of a nearby beach, he becomes convinced that he's found a Nazi in hiding and plans to expose him. Expertly distilling a potent mixture of emot…
  • 璜被任職的實驗室解僱,生活陷入困境,決定從老家蒙德維的亞搬去巴塞隆納。他在那裡認識了當服務生的馬利安諾和茱莉亞。馬利安諾來自阿根廷,但一心嚮往去好萊塢發展,璜則對年輕俏麗的茱莉亞動心,他的婚姻岌岌可危。在兩人幫助下,璜總算在新的城市落腳,也有機會把家人接來同住,隨著璜對巴塞隆納越來越熟悉,他也會更確定自己要的是什麼。